
The Husky House received a call from a kill-shelter in Tennessee. The vet for the shelter had treated a Husky-mix, named Hiya, from the time he was a puppy. He had become too much for the owners to handle, and the vet recommended he be euthanized believing he was viscous, and thus, unadoptable. The shelter wanted to give Hiya a chance, and so, the Husky House was contacted to save the dog.

It was a year after my Husky, Shibah, passed away. I didn't think I could have another close connection, but decided to consider another dog. Around this time, I learned about urban mushing and became intrigued with connecting with dogs through an exercise like that.

When I first saw Hiya online, I noticed some interesting breed mix probabilities. This recognition opened a door to allowing me to adopt him. So, I visited their facility, and when they brought Hiya out, he immediately ran over to me and wrapped himself around and through my legs. He was amazing! We connected right away! I changed his name to Spirit to remind me of God's presence in times of despair.

Spirit had fears and was "mouthy", often lightly nipping if handled in the wrong way. No one could touch his legs or lift his paws. After looking at his medical records, I noticed that he was to be given an anti-anxiety med before clipping his nails. I realized the problem. Someone must have cut him when he was very young, while trimming his nails. After months of working with him on being touched and his rough playing, Spirit learned and calmed.

Now, he is my lead mushing dog. He loves being around kids and other dogs. He can be grabbed and manipulated without fear of biting. Spirit is a gift from God and a blessing to all who meet him.

Early training/play with Spirit and Shemiah.
