Please help us to expand our borders, enlarge our family, and increase our service.

Of course, right now, we need financial help to get off the ground. Basic costs, like Liability Insurance and food/supplies are ongoing expenses. If you can help us financially, please do. More importantly, we need your prayers.


As funds become available, we hope to develop the property that will house the dogs for expanding our programs. Aside from acting as the main site for what we've mentioned above, we will expand to arts and science programs, the St. Francis prayer trails, a counseling space, training/exercise pens, and even a filmmaking studio.

To Heal and Refresh...

In Revelation 3, Christ warned the church at Laodicea to be either hot or cold, but if they remained lukewarm, he would reject them. Colossae, a neighboring town, was supplied with cold mountain water, perfect for refreshing the sojourner.  And, nearby Hierapolis was well-known for its medicinal hot springs. The water supply for Laodicea, however, was piped in from far away, leaving it tepid and unappealing upon reaching the town.

With this warning in mind, we strive through our ministry to design programs that provide healing for the hurting and refreshment for the weary and thirsty. As we work to grow our ministry, we, of course, are starting small… but that is not to say insignificantly.

While procuring funds and permissions for our property, we'll do our work at other locations. This may include therapy sessions at a counselor's office or park, visits with veterans, walks with parents and kids, dog-bonding encounters for the emotionally-disturbed/bullied/abused children, educational talks, and even mushing the trails on bikes, scooters, or training carts. These are just a few of the basic exercises we have planned.

Learn more about Animal-Assisted Therapy, Urban Mushing, Veteran's Outreach, Autism and Wolves, and Family-bonding programs by clicking here or through the submenus.

Amongst all this, we hope to obtain a large van or RV to transport our dogs and take the big show on the road. Outreaches in parks with a large group of dogs requires transportation. And, some programs like science exploration and park programs/outreach will allow us to be accessible to more people in need.


Explore the submenus or click here for future programs…

To Heal and Refresh...

To Heal and Refresh...