Future Projects

The Mushing Mission Sanctuary won't be limited to allowing clients to connect with our dog pack alone. As we grow, and as resources become available, we will look to add projects in the arts and sciences, as well as housing, summer camps, and financial relief programs. Below are just a few ideas we are working towards…

The Arts - Joining with local artists, we'll teach drawing, painting, and sculpture to our young clientele. (Some pieces may even adorn our St. Francis Trail.) Though we may focus on nature, we'll also venture into special arenas like the Superhero Project with comic book artists. It's a great time for watching a movie,  learning to draw, and even photographing action figure dioramas.

Filmmaking - This is my personal fun project. Letting our youth explore the various aspects of making a movie as we produce a series of "Little Rascal" type shorts about a gang of kids, their dogs, and their spooky misadventures. They'll experience the trials of acting, directing, camera, and editing.

Creation Connection - To fuel a child's interest in the sciences, we'll go exploring and collecting various local environments. Kids can examine their finds through microscopes and cameras, even producing mini-documentaries to showcase their work.

Ranch Resurrection - Later, we hope to acquire a building with more land where we can run summer camps and expand our projects. Hopefully, we might even be able to provide temporary housing for our families in transition.

Future Projects
Future Projects