Canine Rehabilitation

A major part of what we'll be doing is rescuing/adopting  Huskies and Wolfdogs with "issues" or who might, for one reason or another, be scheduled to be put to sleep. There is a great therapeutic value for damaged people to help heal the damage done to another creature. A good place to start learning how to help your fellow man is to help in the rehabilitation of an animal. Dogs express all the same emotions of fear, loneliness, anger, sadness, anxiety, etc. Focusing on addressing these issues with an animal can help the client analyze them personally to find both perspective and purpose.

One aspect to this program will be to locate a dog for a client seeking to adopt, such as a veteran suffering from PTSD. We'll work with the vet to help train and work through the dog's issues, in preparation for being its forever owner and home.

Canine Rehabilitation
Canine Rehabilitation