Animal-Assisted Therapy

At the heart of what we do is the use of Huskies and Wolfdogs as tools for counselors and their patients, as well as therapeutic aids for anyone who will benefit from bonding with these unique animals. Veterans, bullied/abused children, at-risk kids, the physically disabled, and those who are lonely and weary… These are just some of the people we want to be a sanctuary for.

And, what about the dogs? What types of dogs will we use? Well, although we'll have a few, not every dog will be the typical calm and tolerant "therapy" dog. Every dog will be evaluated to determine their personality and their best fit for various people, exercises, and abilities. Our goal will be to present many types of bonding opportunities based on the client's needs… for some a calming and peaceful dog… for some a little crazier, some a bit wilder.

Exercises with the dogs may involve simple to complex activities supervised by the patient's therapist and one of our animal handlers. But, other exercises may include simple play, training a dog, rehabilitating a troubled animal, going for walks, etc.

And, one of our trademark exercises will be Urban Mushing, helping a client to learn to work with a dog, or a team of dogs, to pull a scooter, bike, or training cart. Click here to learn more…

Animal-Assisted Therapy
Animal-Assisted Therapy